Nollywood’s beloved veteran, Patience Ozokwo, famously known as “Mama G,” has reached another remarkable milestone in her storied career. The legendary actress was recently awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the prestigious University of Lagos (UNILAG), a well-deserved recognition of her immense contributions to Nigerian entertainment and the arts.
The award ceremony, held in a grand hall at UNILAG, was a heartwarming occasion, attended by professors, dignitaries, and fellow Nollywood stars such as Yemi Solade, Mr. Latin, and Femi Adebayo, who gathered to celebrate Mama G’s remarkable achievement.
Taking to Instagram, Patience Ozokwo shared her joy with a video showing her in full academic regalia as she received the honor. Her caption expressed her gratitude: “Today was like a movie, Honorary doctorate degree. Thank you UNILAG. Thank you #MamaGLovers❤️❤️.”
The news of Mama G’s honorary doctorate quickly went viral on social media, with fans, colleagues, and fellow celebrities flooding her page with congratulations. This prestigious recognition is yet another testament to the actress’s enduring impact on the entertainment industry, cementing her status as an icon who continues to inspire with her talent, passion, and dedication. Congratulations, Mama G!
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